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As part of the St James Street regeneration works the Council has also put in place a comprehensive Heritage Awareness – Training and Education programme so that everyone can be aware of what is required to preserve and enhance the historic townscape in the area.

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Staff training in accordance with training needs assessment and improve knowledge of heritage requirements so they can guide others. Individuals receive professional development and acquire new skills and knowledge; project as a whole benefits.

Training about the heritage aspects of stakeholders’ buildings, how to maintain and preserve them including a guidance and checklist on how to maintain their buildings + Increase heritage awareness and appreciation of the historic built environment + Up-skilling

Potential cost saving in future maintenance + Overall benefit in enhanced built environment and restored heritage area for all to enjoy and benefit from +Sustainability of investment in the properties by the HLF scheme.

Site visits and in-school workshops offered to local schools, 6th forms.  Potential for specialist departments to engage in more depth (e.g. engineering and design departments. + School children (and their teachers) learn about the project, its heritage and construction elements.  Children have insight into possible heritage and construction career paths.

If specialist training colleges and university departments were interested, we would tailor a programme of site visits, workshops at college, work placements and/or special project development to fit their curriculum.

Students would benefit from training opportunities that meet their curriculum needs and interests and provide experience working with professionals on a live project.

The Mill is a community run hub that relies on the goodwill and generous donations of local residents and businesses. They provide space and the resources for local people who want to hold events our activities and make things happen in Walthamstow. To become a friend of the Mill, donate or volunteer you can visit